Tense is a grammatical term. It serves as a indicator of the form of a verb. English verbs have two tenses present and past. There is nothing like a separate future tense because it does not have a unique indicator that can be isolated. Shall and will are modal auxiliaries not markers of future tense. Although there is no separate future tense, the term is frequently used because the shall/will farm is still the commonest way of expressing future time. All the three tenses have four forms:

  • Indefinite
  • Continuous
  • Perfect
  • Perfect continuous
Indefinite tense- Present indefinite is used mostly to talk about things that are always true, and things that happen repeatedly.
 As: Lions eat meat. 
I work every Sunday. 
The train stops at Allahabad.
 The Sun rises in the east. 
What do you think? 
We use future indefinite to say things that we think, or about the future or to ask questions about the future. Further we can use it when we decide or agree to do things, and when we talk about retuning and promising. 
I think it will snow tomorrow. 
I will call you. 
The can won’t start. 
We use past indefinite far complete finished actions. This form is often used in stories. We often use it to talk about when things happened.
As: I read two chapters yesterday. 
 Manish did not go to Lucknow. 
 He saw you. 
 Where did Brijesh stay?

we use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening just around the time when we speak. We make present programming verbs with be (is, am, are, was, were)+…..ing.
They are working. 
Shalu is studying this party. 
What are the children making? 
Some verbs are normally used in simple tenses, not progressive. Some important non-progressive verbs are: hate, know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, seem, understand, want.
We use the past continuous to talk about action which were unfinished at a past time we make the past progressive with was/were + …………ing. 
Were you watching T.V. at 8:00 
 I was playing All the children were writing.
 The future progressive form of a verb is-will be + present participle. The future progressive form of have is-will be + having. It expenssses an action in progress at some time in future. 
As- I shall be leaving far Newyork next year. 
 She will be + yping letters all day tomorrow

Perfect tense – We use the present perfect to talk about past action with some importance now.