Use of Preposition
“A preposition is a word which comes before a noun or a pronoun to tell its relation with another noun or pronoun”.
Example: The cat is on the table. Here ‘on’ is a preposition which shows the relation between cat and table. There are many prepositions. Some prepositions are given below with the use of it.

1. Between/Among:
1. Distribute these books between Ram and Shyam.
2. Distribute these books among Ram, Shyam, Geeta and Seeta.
In example first, the preposition ‘between’ is used only for two and in example second the preposition ‘among’ is used for more than two.

2. In/At:
1. He lives at Katra in Allahabad.
 2. I live at Allahabad in U.P.
It is clean by examples that the preposition ‘at’ is used for small areas and ‘in’ is used for big areas.

3. With/By:
1. The ball was hit with the bat.
2. Ram was beaten by Shyam with a stick.
So, the preposition ‘with’ is used for non-living things or instruments while, ‘by’ is used for living agent.

4. In/Into:
1. Ram is in the room.
2. The child jumped into the river.
 Here the preposition ‘in’ shows the thing or person in static situation living inside while, ‘into’ shows the dynamic situation of the thing or person from outside to inside.

5. Of/From:
 The preposition ‘of’ is used for that material which unchanged by the situation but the preposition ‘from’ is used for the things which are changed by the changing of situation. For Example:
1. Butter is made from milk.
 2. Ring is made of gold.
 Here in first example milk is change in butter but in second example gold is gold in ring form also. It is unchanged.

6. Over/Above:
The preposition ‘over’ is used for vertical position while ‘above’ is used for more higher than over. For example:
1. A fan is running over my head.
 2. The sky is above us.

7. Beside/Besides:
‘Beside’ means ‘at the side of’ and ‘Besides’ means in addition to. For Example:
1. Seeta is sitting beside me.
2. He gave me a pen besides a book.

 8. Till/Until:
‘Till’ is used for a short time but until is used for a long time. Example:
1. I shall not go in bet till I finish my work.
2. The condition of India will not change until the development . in every areas.

Conjunctions connect two or more grammatical units. These units may be words, phrases, main clauses, subordinate fall into two main classes.
Coordinating Conjunction- Such conjunctions are and, or, but, yet, for, as well as, both….and, either……or, neither…..nor, whether..a.
Subordinating Conjunction- There words introduce subordinate clauses and connect them with main classes. Examples of such conjunctions are although, as, because, how, if, since, that, what, where, which, while etc.