Learner and teacher roles
Communicative language emphasizes “self direction for the learners”. As the teacher won’t be around to guide them the whole time, especially not when the learners speak the language outside the classroom. They are expected to take on a greater degree of responsibility for their own learning. This is essential for the active development of the new language. The learner should euter into situations where communication takes place as much as possible to increase his or her communicative proficiency.

Teachers no longer rely on activities that require repetition, accruals and memorization of sentences and grammatical patterns jested they require the learners to negotiate meaning and to interact meaningfully in the new language learners have to participate in classroom activities based on a cooperative rather than individualistic approach to learning. They need to listen to their peers in order to carry out group work successfully.

The teacher adopts different rules. On the one side she is a facilitator a guide on the other hand a coordinator, on ideal – person and a co-communicator. She talks less and listen more to the students output. In addition to that, the teacher also identifies the students learning strategies and helps the students to improve them if necessary and shown then how to work independently. Justructional task become less important. That doesn’t mean that they aren’t used at all, but with less significance.

There changes give the teacher more scope for variety and creativity and she gives up her status as a person of authority in a teacher-learner hierarchy. It is teachers responsibility to be creative and prepare appropriate material at home. The teacher can also assume other rules, for example the connrelort.

Materials play an important role in communicative language teaching. They provide the basis for communication among the learners. There are three basic types of materials.

1- Text-based materials
2- Task-based materials
3- Realia

Text-based material like text books will if designed on CLT. Principles on which they can build up conversations. They may contain visual cues, pictures and sentences fragments which the learners can use as a starting point for conversation. Other books context of different text the teacher can use for pair work. Both learners get texts with different information and task is to ask each other question to get to know the content of the missing piece

Task- based material consists of exercise hand-books, cue cards activity cards pair communication practice materials and student-interaction practice booklets pair communication practice material contains material for a pair of students. It is similar to a task using text based material. Both students have different kinds of information and through communication they need to put the part together. Other pair work tasks involve one student as an interviewer and the other one as interviewee. Topics can range from personal experience and telling the other person about one’s own life and preferences to talking about a topic that was discuss in the news recently.

Using radio incommunicative language teaching means using authentic material, for example news paper article, photos, maps, symbols and many more. Material which can be touched and held makes speaking and learning more concrete and meaningful. Maps can used to describe way from one point another and photos can be used for describing where things are placed. In front of, on top are under heath something, and so on.

A classic example of a communicative classroom activity in the jigsawactivity. Functional communication activities require students to use their language resources to over come an information or solve a problem. Usually the class is divided into several groups and each group has a different piece of information needed to complete an activity. The task of the class is to fit all the pieces together to complete the hole they must use their language resources and communicative strategies to communicate with each other in order to get the information the group do not have.

Advantage and Disadvantage 

  • The most obvious advantage in communicative language teaching is that of the increases of fluency in the target language.
  • This enables the learners to be more confident when interaction with other people and they also enjoy talking more.
  • The approach also leads to gains in the areas of grammatical sociolinguistic/discourse / strategic/competence through communication.
Classroom activities:- Classroom activities used in communicative language teaching include the following. 
1. Role play 
2. Interviews 
3. Information gaps 
4. Games 
5. Language exchanges 
6. Surveys 
7. Pair-hole 
8. Learning by teaching