B.T.C. Training Module Fourth Semester 
1. Theoretical aspects

  • Different approaches and methods of teaching English 
    •  Grammar translation method. 
    •  Direct method 
    •  Structural approach cum situational technique. 
    •  Communication approach. 
    •  Listening with comprehensions-Public announcements, T.V. News etc. 
2. Content specification 
  •  Grammar 
    •  Complex and compound sentences 
    •  Commands and requests 
  •  Tenses : Present, Past & Future 
    •  Indefinite 
    •  Continuous 
    •  Perfect 
    •  Perfect continuous 
  •  Grammar 
    •  Preposition 
    •  Conjunction 
  •  Writing 
    •  Description of Pictures of objects. 
    •  Letter, Applications. 
    •  Filling up the forms. 
  •  Lesson planning